"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."- B.Ruth

Monday, October 25, 2010

Journal Notes Chapter 5

Formal Portrait
How To:
  1. Background for the photograph close to wall
      1. background sheet
      2. wall
      3. paper
  2. Light at a 45 degree angle
  3. 3ft to 4ft reflective light--adjust
  4. directly in fromt of subject--pose
Camera Settingss
  • wide-open apeture
  • background out of focus- less busy
  • no slower than 1/60th shutter speed
Lighting for Formal Portraits

  • Indoor
    • 45 dergee angle
    • reflector
      • white cardboard
  • Outdoor
    • avoid direct sunlight
      • avoid squinting and shadows
    • cloudy days-best
    • avoid
      • branches
      • poles
      • things sticking out of head
  • Candid Portrait
    • everyday lifer and activites
    • dont pose
    • completly natural 
    • w/o subject noticing you
    • spotantious
    • include surrondings
    • different moods
    • take more shoots than normal
  • Camera Settings
    • 1/250 or higher to capture emotion
    • using flash?...get close.
  • Self Portarit
    • become your own subject
    • who you are and something about you
    • tell your own story
    • Cindy Sherman
      • carrer of self protrait
      • wears wigs costumes and make up
      • fakes movie scenes