"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."- B.Ruth

Monday, October 25, 2010

Journal Notes Chapter 5

Formal Portrait
How To:
  1. Background for the photograph close to wall
      1. background sheet
      2. wall
      3. paper
  2. Light at a 45 degree angle
  3. 3ft to 4ft reflective light--adjust
  4. directly in fromt of subject--pose
Camera Settingss
  • wide-open apeture
  • background out of focus- less busy
  • no slower than 1/60th shutter speed
Lighting for Formal Portraits

  • Indoor
    • 45 dergee angle
    • reflector
      • white cardboard
  • Outdoor
    • avoid direct sunlight
      • avoid squinting and shadows
    • cloudy days-best
    • avoid
      • branches
      • poles
      • things sticking out of head
  • Candid Portrait
    • everyday lifer and activites
    • dont pose
    • completly natural 
    • w/o subject noticing you
    • spotantious
    • include surrondings
    • different moods
    • take more shoots than normal
  • Camera Settings
    • 1/250 or higher to capture emotion
    • using flash?...get close.
  • Self Portarit
    • become your own subject
    • who you are and something about you
    • tell your own story
    • Cindy Sherman
      • carrer of self protrait
      • wears wigs costumes and make up
      • fakes movie scenes

Sunday, October 17, 2010

On Fire Nor Cal Jam 2010

October 16, 2010 i was set "On Fire"  it was the LARGEST gathering of Catholic Youth in NorCal history. with concerts, keynotes, rides, animals, old friends, Jesus, God and The Holy Spirit.
this is shouka. i shot this on a preset setting nothing special just a lot of luck in capturing it!
 this is matt maher's drummer. this was really early in the morning, but not stopping his energy! :]

tthis Mike, Jeff and Ruben singing at the concert "Light meets the Dark" they are 3/5 of tenth avenue north a Christian Rock/Indie band. they are so amazing! i got the chance to high five Mike when he walked into the stands during one of my favorite songs Hold My Heart.  
Addison Road playing at sunset they were great and full of energy even in the cold wind on the water!
Matt Maher (his band) and Sarah Hart (on piano) they played the mass portion of the day. and did a concert at night.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

self portraits.

This is me a person, short and odd. i was always rideculed as the short weird peron in elementry school...so im embraced it when i grew and i chose this beause it think it gave it more because you cant see if im happy with this label or dissapointed and sometimes i dont know.
this is me at "home" when i feel the most home is when im a child with my cousin and we were messing around at Webb Ranch and i sat on a big tractor like all the little kids. it explains me with my family.
this is me out to dinner with my friends. im generally the jokester and a common dialogue with my friends is "Hey guys lets go do *insert crazy thing*" and about 20 minutes later, "oh that was a bad plan." my friends really need to stop listening to me, dont they?

Monday, October 4, 2010

photo essay. Gymnastics Stills.

 Gymnastics Still
This is a gymnast walking on  RelevĂ© on a low beam I like this picture because the gymnast, Olivia (development) was having a difficult time staying on RelevĂ© and finally got it. She was very proud of herself and i caught this moment on camera.

This is a beginner gymnast, Reagan, she is practicing a skill that seems useless but really is important it is a frezze. this was hard because her teacher was pushing her over to help lock herself.

This is olivia practing leg lifts. this was an intresting exercise to shot because she was on a cheese mat that brought negative attetion to her leo because of the color contrast.

This is olivia, who wasn't suppose look at the camera but i caught her looking and really liked the shot.

This is Reagan she was listening to her Teacher explain the exercise I like the focus in this picture.

This is Olivia doing a Leg lift on the bar. Olivia was getting instruction from Kat, her coach and had a strong emotion on her face
This is Olivia Doing a L-lift. The chalk on the bar and her hands show unity.

This is Olivia practicing her Round-offs .I really like the movement in her pony tail.