- Febuary 7,1900 brownie camera intorduced.
- Cost: $1
- people get the"no photo, not real" feeling
- Most of 19th century no pictures in books or newspaper
- books-hand glued
- quater million brownies sold
- half tone
- Luc Sante Photography
- speaks on postcards
- no extra charge for post card paper
- montage
- fake-- exaterated photograph
- National Geo.
- photos in
- some hate, most LOVE
- Photographs- make popular
- Native american
- Curtis took outsanding photographs
- carried trunk of clothes if didnt look right-- changed
- Altered Vs. Orginal
- while wanted altered
- but "Striaght" photography is "true art"
"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."- B.Ruth