October 16, 2010 i was set "On Fire" it was the LARGEST gathering of Catholic Youth in NorCal history. with concerts, keynotes, rides, animals, old friends, Jesus, God and The Holy Spirit.
this is shouka. i shot this on a preset setting nothing special just a lot of luck in capturing it!
this is matt maher's drummer. this was really early in the morning, but not stopping his energy! :]
tthis Mike, Jeff and Ruben singing at the concert "Light meets the Dark" they are 3/5 of tenth avenue north a Christian Rock/Indie band. they are so amazing! i got the chance to high five Mike when he walked into the stands during one of my favorite songs Hold My Heart.
Addison Road playing at sunset they were great and full of energy even in the cold wind on the water!
Matt Maher (his band) and Sarah Hart (on piano) they played the mass portion of the day. and did a concert at night.