"Don't let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game."- B.Ruth

Monday, January 24, 2011

Photographers Bio

       Heidi Kirkpatrick is a photographer well know for her unique style. Heidi uses a "toy camera" that has cracks in it that let in sunlight. Most photographers cover the light sockets because they feel it ruins the shot. Heidi choses not to beacuse she feels it adds more to her photo and sometimes makes the shot. Heidi takes simple shots but they are made completcated by her technique. Heidi has taught, won numberous awards among other things.

      Ansel Adams was born in 1902 in San Fransico. Ansel grew up in San Fransico and was homeschooled. He beacame an expert in black and white photography. He is well-know for his lanscape shots only capturing beauty of the world and no man made items except for things that fit in.Ansel died in 1984 but is well-known for his photography.


Big Picture

-view of all of the surronding area.
-give a feel of whats around


-close ups
-show details of the area
     -show unique views of place


-close up of something so you cant tell what it is
   -examples; bark, mushroom, grass, leaf

-direct for harsh light
-indirect for soft

-use filters to give warmer or colder effects

big picture

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Notes for architecture,

-indirect portraits
-use line
-small detail
-use f-stop
-use value; lightest whites and darkest blacks
-get contrast
-big picture
  -Show whole building
  -whole room or aspects of room
-dont give whole picture, keep them wondering
-show texture
two examples of "big picture"
an interior shot of a home

a very familiar big picture to most bay area citizens

Monday, January 10, 2011

architecture powerpoint

  • arch. are indirect portraits
  • clues of who lived there;
    • materials
    • style
    • scale
  • big picture
    • picture as whole
  • small details
    • statues
    • windows
  • interor shot
  • early photos based used a lot of architecture
    • didn't move
    • vary on angle
  • Frederick H. Evan
    • cathedrals in London
    • using light for emotion
    • Try for a record rather than a piece of photography
    • lost platnuim use
      • then gave up photography because he didnt want to switch methods
  • some photos meant to make you wonder
  • Ezra Stoller
    • architecture photographer
      • 1960's - 2000's
    • like photography more than pervious job- archecture
  • Think Artistically
    • tell a story
      • think khol mansion or shanty (?) on water
      • personality of spaace and relationship to its surroundings
    • patterns
      • bricks, stucco, beams, wall paper, tule in pinkies

Thursday, January 6, 2011


    • 1919 started- first to sell with pictures. Illustrated Daily news. 
    • appeal to emotions- big, loud, exciting
    • 1920 good news- tabloid news
    • evening graphic- super tabloid; sex, scandals and more- stage photos... using bodies then taking faces of real 
    • trails were turned fake
    • Daily News- stuck in camera to man in execution
    • advertisement
      • photos are true but cartoons are fake
    • cameras can take a ugly item ie toilet to be beautiful.  
    • not read but seen
    • media celebrity
    • famous as long as you get a good picture
    • wanted more about life of famous
    • Sports star become Super Star
      • I.e. Babe Ruth- most photographed human behind a prince use to sell item
    • Valentino - famous actor because of looks. died and the graphic used a fake picture of him on hospital bed and in heaven
    • a photo star was real- or more real- of a family member
    • no longer hand drawn space photos 
    • photography neutralized imagination and real